A review by eesh25
Inferno by Dante Alighieri

I'm going to say this up front: This is not a review. More like me writing what I thought about the epic, because I have not idea how to review a Fourteenth century epic about a dude's journey through the nine circles of hell. Moving on.

Dante was obviously a very good poet and had an imagination that would put Spongebob to shame. Seriously, the guy did a really good job at thinking up different tortures related to different sins and his imagery was epic (pun!). If I ever need to learn how to magically torture someone, I would use Inferno as a guide book.

But, while he is a skilled writer, I also agree with the reviewer who called this a "burn book". Because Dante essentially put every person he didn't like in hell. Actually, he put everyone in hell. Every single Greek or Roman hero or leader I've ever heard of was in there. He set very strict rules and I'm not sure how anyone is ever supposed to make it to heaven.

And this book was not easy to get through. The traslation I read was good and simple but it the bajillion references that had me in a bit of a pickle. He referenced so many people and events that, had I tried to look up each and every one, I would've been reading this for a month.

Also, Dante was a genius but this wasn't something that you could agree with. And maybe he didn't intend for his work to be a lesson; Just a demonstration of talant.

Whatever the case. I did like reading this poem but it was a strange experience. I might come back to it at some point in the future. Give it another shot. For now, I'm going to leave the rating black. Reading at your own risk.