A review by berlinbibliophile
The Bestseller Job by Greg Cox


On paper, this should be the perfect book for me: set in the publishing world, starring the Leverage team. Sadly, in reality, the book is a hot mess. The characters are caricatures of themselves, the pacing is terrible, the spelling appears not to have been checked, and the plot barely hangs together. Parker is portrayed as so childish as to be totally incompetent, not understanding the concept of the crew copying a spy thriller together in five minutes using excerpts from other books and this not being the real sequel. Sophie appears to be delusional as reganrds her acting abilities. 
It's like the author took a bunch of cool set pieces, like zombie walks and a con at the Frankfurter Buchmesse, and mashed them together, barely connecting them by the actual plot. 
The other Leverage tie-in novels were fun romps, good beach literature, but this one was only frustrating.