A review by drey72
Frost Moon by Anthony Francis


drey’s thoughts:
I should’ve read Frost Moon back when I got it. But then I wouldn’t be able to pick up Blood Rock when I finished it!

Dakota Frost is a tattoo artist, but not just any tattoo artist–she inks magical tattoos. She’s tall, brash, and full of spit and vinegar. Yes, I like her. *grin*

In this first Skindancer book, Dakota is dragged into were business, vamp business, and plain ol’ homicide investigation. With a heaping side of the feds. Whew! But she has no choice–someone’s been skinning the magical tats off people, and they think the perpetrator is heading to Atlanta. Of course Dakota has to help… Doesn’t hurt that the fed is quite yummilicious!

There are multiple plot lines in this story, and all of them seem random until the end. But Dakota isn’t all work and no play, and there’s no shortage of friends willing to help her out. Unfortunately for her, some of them don’t quite survive the experience.

I like tattoos, I like urban fantasy, and I like Anthony Francis’ melding of the two. Give Frost Moon a whirl if you haven’t already. I’m going to pick up Blood Rock as soon as I can.

drey’s rating: Excellent!