A review by fishgirl182
Hostage to Pleasure by Nalini Singh


Ooh this was a good one. Dorian has always been one of my faves and I really enjoyed his story. Traumatized by the murder of his sister by a Psy killer in the first book, Dorian's dark side is threatening to take over. Then a Psy defector is dropped into his territory and Dorian has to deal with his attraction to a woman who is part of a race that he despises.
Ashaya Aleine has defected from the Psy in a bid to save her son and bring heat down on the Psy Council.

Both of the main characters in this one are well developed and strong. I felt that the attraction between them was believable as was the conflict. Dorian struggles with his attraction towards Ashaya because he sees it as a betrayal to his sister. Ashaya is trying to hide her emotions in order to protect her son. I like that Shaya doesn't take any crap from Dorian but he also doesn't let her hide behind her Psy shields. It really felt like they had an emotional connection in this one. One of my faves.