A review by utopiastateofmind
Journey to the Heart of the Abyss by London Shah

  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


Disclaimer: I received this book for free from the publisher. This does not impact my review which is honest and unbiased

The Journey to the Heart of the Abyss has phenomenal world building. I’m always impressed with Shah’s ability to bring this underworld to life. In real life, I wouldn’t have even made it because I am pretty terrified of the water, so Shah’s ability to transport me is even more remarkable. The Journey to the Heart of the Abyss feels almost a hop away from real life. The rhetoric of intolerance and misinformation. 
Action packed from the beginning, The Journey to the Heart of the Abyss features a father/daughter relationship which made my heart soar. Since we are familiar with the characters, Shah allows the action to take off. With emotions, this finale highlights moments of highs and lows. It discusses how we cannot let our fears control us. While I’ve been feeling pessimistic about the world, Shah’s finale asks us whether the world, and people, are capable of change.