A review by beccastaley
The Sporty One: My Life as a Spice Girl by Melanie C


So much nostalgia in this book and I haven't been able to stop singing spice girls songs since starting this book!
My heart breaks listening to the pain and mental health struggles that Mel C and the other girls went through and how prevalent mental health is when you're in the limelight (as I just read tom feltons memoir before this). It really makes you think about the personas that stars have to put on even when they aren't doing their greatest and how the media tears them apart.
Loved this book though and I love how genuine and transparent she was. I am glad that she was able to come to terms with all the hats she wears and that she doesn't have to give up one in order to prioritize another. This is something I struggle with as a working mom and fiance who is also a student... And finding the balance between all of these roles that are important to me.