A review by bethan
Child of the Prophecy by Juliet Marillier


I felt that overall this was a rather good conclusion to the Sevenwaters Trilogy. 

I really liked Fainne's character - although she wasn't as self-assured or as confident as Sorcha and Liadin, I thought she was rather realistic.

I would say the only issues I had with this book is that around 50% through I still felt like nothing had really happened... like sure things HAD happened but the pace felt slower than the previous two books. 

I'm also quite iffy on the ending... The ending where she gets Darragh just seems so unrealistic to who Darragh is a character - he is described so very often as a man of the land and a travelling man and so for him to just accept the fate of living on a rock for the rest of his days just to be with Fainne just seems so OOC...

(I've also read some of the next book the Heir of Sevenwaters and it seems like with the ending Fainne was pretty much wiped from existence because none of the children mention her at all despite it only being 4 years time gap - whether this ever gets explained or not I'm unsure as I've decided to DNF the next book for the time being...)