A review by rebelbelle13
Doctor Who: The Molten Heart by Una McCormack


Full disclosure: I am not a fan of 13, or her era. I read this as part of a buddy-read situation, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The hook was interesting and the story plodded along at a decent pace with enough happening that it kept my attention. 13 and her groupies arrive on a planet that has a world underneath its surface, and people don't know there's more above their heads, or even that space or other worlds exist. Things are going horribly wrong for these beings made of rock, including their lava pits drying up and deadly seawater getting into their sphere. The crew run into a scientist and his daughter who believe there's more out there and challenge the society's authority on the matter, even though it's forbidden. The typical chases, discoveries and captures ensue, while the Tardis crew attempts to save this society and their world. There's the usual preachiness that this era is famous for, but it's not laid on so thick that it's nauseating.
McCormack does a great job with the team's characterization, to the point where I found myself tolerating Graham, ignoring Yaz and being completely irritated by Ryan, just like the show. The latter was constantly whining and complaining about one thing or another, and I couldn't wait for his scenes to be over. I think with better companions and better interactions with the Doctor, this story could have easily been a 4.
As it stands, I had a decent time with it. I'm glad I gave 13 a chance in novel format, even though she isn't one of my favorites. If you're looking for a light but interesting DW story, this might just fit the bill.