A review by benreadsgood
Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan


A pretty speedy read, but a great introduction to Product Management and the breadth of skills and responsibilities of the role. What Cagan says makes a huge amount of sense, and you’ll be very quick to recognise the things your own employer is getting right (or, more likely, wrong) when it comes to discovering and building its products.

There’s a tonne of actionable advice here, although lots of it is probably best done with further tactical materials, which will be readily available online.

My only real disappointment of the book is that while it describes with lots of accuracy situations that don’t foster innovation and great customer outcomes, there’s not enough detail on how to transition to an environment that does. How *do* you get senior leadership to embrace a product culture, and give you outcome based targets rather than projects? How *do* you handle situations where you don’t have a trained product designer available to your team? One might end up thinking it’s best to cut and run to a company that can offer these things.

Finally, it’s awesome that Cagan uses successful women in technology as his case studies, and without any fanfare or attention drawn to that fact.