A review by bubbaandlew
The Rewind by Allison Winn Scotch


Bummer to start off my year of reading with such a lane book. The premise was great, but the execution was awful. So much happened, and yet none of it actually happened in the book. So weird.

Also, 1) I remember 1999, and I remember being one of very few people with a cell phone. I also definitely had a pager because long distance calls weren’t a thing yet. I went to school in a different area code from my phone number, and no one could call my cell without making a long distance call…the way cell phones were discussed in the story was totally wrong and it drove me crazy.

And 2) I get that this was set in 1999, but I don’t need to be reminded every other page that she was wearing Doc Martins and he was wearing Sambas. It was so weird. I’ve never heard a shoe brand mentioned so many times in one book.