A review by books_and_cake
Masked Love by Nicole Zoltack


I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Masked love follows the story of Isabelle, who is a servant of Lady Theodosia. At her Lady's wish, Isabelle attends a masquerade with her, where she meets Lord Adrian Wingrave. The next day, they find out that the man Theodosia was betrothed to was, in fact, Adrian. Meanwhile, Theodosia is in love with someone else. So here starts the conflict.

I am not really good at reviews, but I can frankly say that this book was good. Not really my type, though. It was kind of historical. The things that I really liked were the fact that Adrian wasn't ashamed of the fact that Isabelle was a maid and that he tried to interact with Theodosia even when she pushed him away. What I didn't really get was the relationship between the couples. It was insta-love. Isabelle meets Adrian at the ball, where they dance and talk with each other. As they are going, Isabelle removes her mask and reveals her face. Thats how he recognizes her the next day. He dosen't even recognize her voice when she is singing. That was the only thing that had me on edge.

Overall, I would like to give this book a rating of 3.5 stars.