A review by bluestarfish
Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea, and Human Life by George Monbiot


I think many thoughts about this book. How I really value the concept of "ecological boredom" as one that has given me a lot to think about. How I felt aggrevated about some of the writing style and anecdotes that feel like they belong in a different book. How I got cross about the conservationist-bashing. How I got excited about some of the ideas of rewilding and value GM's input as the bringer of crazy ideas into the discussion and why shoudln't they be there. How I like the idea of wolves and beavers in the isles, but not so sure about elephants. So yeah, mixed feelings. But I'm glad he's pouring grand ideas into the conversation.

I'm not sure that I can relate to ecological boredom only being alleviated by access to experiences with predatory megafauna. That seems to narrow the field down far too much and deny the joy of finding woodlice in your garden. And I wonder where all the women were in his book...