A review by mnboyer
Heir to the Sky by Amanda Sun


A novel filled with some interesting action sequences involving monsters (like dragons and griffins) that manages to fall flat when it comes to the character development--at least for me, I know that there are a lot of readers that praise this book. Many of the concepts (floating continents) are interesting and I do enjoy some science fiction and fantasy elements.

Yet what I really enjoy in any story are the characters. This particular book totes itself as a HarlequinTeen division book (no, I have no idea what I expected 'Harlequin Teen' to be) yet there's barely any romance throughout. I didn't want or need anything sexual or explicit. I just felt that even the "mini-love-story" (as I am calling it) was somewhat...boring...and it did nothing to really excite my imagination or make me feel like the romance was even necessary. Can a female character not become a heroine without a male character's help these days?

Overall, a quick read with some interesting visuals. I'd mark it as good summer reading for teens. Yet at the same time it only managed 2.5 stars from me.