A review by roxanamalinachirila
Masters in this Hall by KJ Charles


I think 3.5 stars, rounded up.

K.J. Charles's style flows so well, the plot is good - so what's missing? I don't know, maybe it's the size of the story, but it feels a bit rushed. There's barely time to breathe before it's over; and the characters barely know each other before they're head over heels and acting like they're about to profess undying love.


It's a nice winter story about Christmas, putting on a show and having fun - with a background in murderous villainy. The plot holds up, and it's pretty exciting; I could see what some twists might be, judging by the fact that this is a short romance that needs its conflicts sorted out *quickly*, but others were a bit of a surprise, so that's a good combo. The resolution also felt a bit too rushed (and a bit too risky), but hey.