A review by capricious_conundrums
Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr


Oh my, it's so confusing! Well, not the plot that's confusing, but which boy to pick! I don't know if I want Irial or Niall! *it was easy in Wicked Lovely, I despised Keenan's evil seducing-those-who-are-taken-and-do-not-want-you-or-those-who-don't-want-to-be-fey-but-you-turned-them-into-it-anyways plans* But here, it seems like both men have pros and cons, and I can't seem to pick! -_-'

Anyways, the plot is sort of confusing, at first, but it clears up in the end, like it always does. And the ending is so sad! *NO PEEKING! Seriously!* You just wanna bawl your eyes out at the sadness, but it's not sad enough. Still. Go read it, it's a good story. Dudee.