A review by mrfrank
Don't Thowe Away Please by Christopher Lesko


Sometimes you can't be prepared for the weird you are about to encounter. That's the case with Christopher Lesko's DON'T THOWE AWAY PLEASE. Its a book that is one part Clerks, one part Canturbury Tales and all parts weird.

I love the concept of workplace fiction. I, myself, have culled fiction from my everyday work environment and the characters that inhabit it. Lesko takes that ball and lets his imagination run into the weirdest places with it. I also enjoyed the visual cues contained in the book and especially the cover itself. All real photos taken from the authors place of business and used as storytelling devices. Extremely creative and adds a lot of feel to the story.

DON'T THOWE AWAY PLEASE is creative art at its heart. The interconnected stories are wild and free of imaginitive restraint. Its a treasure to read Christopher Lesko's mind at work.