A review by perusinghannah
The Furies by Katie Lowe


Just give me any toxic girlhood friendship and a grief-stricken protagonist fueled by rage, and I will read it. And then love it, as was the case with The Furies. When I saw the 3.01 average I thought I might (widely disliked toxic girlhood books are my jam, after all), but when it comes to this book, I can also say that it's marketed all wrong. 

To this day, the most chosen labels for The Furies on Goodreads are "Young Adult" and "Thriller", and I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that this book is neither of these things. This is adult lit fic, leaning into dark academia, and if you go into this expecting anything else you are going to be disappointed. 

As for my reading experience, it did everything exactly right. I loved Violet as a protagonist. She's one of those young girls you don't know whether to shake or hug, and I felt her loneliness and desperation to belong to someone came through beautifully on page. Her relationship with Robin was pure crack to me, too, especially when it started to slowly rip along the seams. 

And all these things I loved were aided by the writing style, which wavers between near-hyperreality and then hazy confusion depending on where Violet is at, mentally. It made the whole thing come alive even more for me, and I am really excited to pick up the author's other book to see if her style is a consistent one. 

So would I recommend this? Actually, yes, if you go into it with the right expectations, and especially if you like this same, overly specific niche. I think if both those things are true, you'll have a fantastic time.