A review by ljwrites85
Beneath The Whispers by Jim Ody


Scott is wallowing in self pity after he found out his girlfriend was cheating on him, drinking and watching John Cusack movies to try and numb the pain. A chance encounter with his first love Mary-Ann, brings up a lot of buried memories. She asks him to retrieve a USB stick, which has fallen into the hands of Guy, the man who his girlfriend cheated on him with.

Can he do it?

This is a quick read at just nineteen chapters perfect for a long commute or if you’ve got a long wait ahead of you.

In the beginning there is quite a bit of backstory, so it starts a little slowly but after the first few chapters you get to nitty-gritty of the story.

There was an interesting cast of characters too. I have a little soft spot for Freddie, who is sex obsessed thirteen year old with a very weird relationship with his step-mother. Although as the mother of a teenage boy, I am glad my son is nothing like him!

I didn’t much like Scott. I found him incredibly self centred and a little annoying to me but he was so realistic. As it was written in the first person I felt like he was talking to me throughout the story.

I have to be honest while the ending made sense and I did enjoy it, it left me with a few unanswered questions. Also I felt like some of the more minor characters, e.g. his ex-girlfriend Genevieve, could have done with a little bit more fleshing out but of course that’s just my opinion.