A review by kalarosereads
Surviving Ice, Volume 4 by K.A. Tucker


4.5 Stars for Surviving Ice! I am so sad that this series is over but what a way to end it! K.A. Tucker just keeps demonstrating how multi-talented she really is at writing all different types of books. In Surviving Ice we continue with Ivy's story and get a closer look at this very unique character, who has felt misunderstood her whole life. I was super excited to get a closer look at Ivy as we have had peaks of her throughout the series but to see her heart of gold under her tough exterior was so exciting to read.

We also meet Sebastian, who is assigned to find an important piece of information from Ivy's Uncle, who was recently murdered. Sebastian himself has dealt with being misjudged, and is currently feeling very lost and in where he is in life. He has ghosts from his past that he is running from and it isn't until he meets Ivy that he learns his true worth and finds forgiveness for himself.

I really enjoyed how this story let the two character's relationship grow and bloom in such an organic way, you could feel the sparks right from the beginning but it was never forced upon the reader. Like the rest of the books in this series, the readers are presented with yet another moral dilemma and have to decide, as do the characters, what is really "right" and "wrong" in a very gray area. The characters in this book continue to prove to not judge a book by its cover, as just because people look a certain way, it doesn't mean you can just put them in one box forever.

This book keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time, it has just enough twists and turns without becoming redundant and by having a dual POV, we get both Ivy's and Sebastian's thoughts as they navigate their new relationship together, with Sebastian hiding the truth from Ivy. This would be a really fun book to go back and re-read to try and pick up on little nuances that were missed the first time.

The only reason this book is not a 5 star for me is because the ending was wrapped up way too quickly for my liking. I did enjoy how the ending happened, but I do wish it was drawn out in more detail.

Overall this series was absolutely incredible and addictive and I highly recommend giving it a read!!