A review by mariam27
Only for a Night by Naima Simone


This was okay.

The whole sex club was just...amazing.

But Goddamn it! The second hand embarassmement I got on every fucking chapter literally made me chuck my phone across the room and groan in pain.

Sigh. Maybe this is a personal problem but there is dirty talk in this book, and maybe I just have a very distinguished taste in dirty talk (I'm mortified as I write this) but dirty talk is flowery, isn't elongated. It's fucking direct, and straight to the point. And damn it! Dirty talk was just sooooo flowery here.

And the dialogue....omg. If the second hand embarassmement didn't kill me, this literally took a pistol to my head. Bloody hell. The dialogue, it wasn't cringey, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

And again. I've said this so many times damn it. MEN WHO SELF-CONSCIOUS AREN'T FUCKING WEAK. MEN WHO ARE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES aren't the fucking bad guys! Is it so wrong to wish a better life, a better partner for a person you love? Damn it, who doesn't.

I'll admit, running away is the most cowardice act I know off.

But running away is not the same as being ashamed of one self.

And I just don't come to terms which how this book regarded their "conflict".

But all is well, I'm actually considering giving this book 2.5 stars... But Rion was too precious and sexy (and corny) as hell to be below average.