A review by mistled
Suicide Squad, Volume 3: Death Is for Suckers by Adam Glass


So... you didn't mean what you just said?

...I meant some of it.

Which part?

Like I know? If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit crazy.

Better, though we've added in a new thing where is seems no one can die. These being comics, of course no one can die for long. But we can usually get a year or two out of a death. In Suicide Squad you get an issue or two. Tops. I'm sure it's some weird plot point, but I only half care because death is cheap in comics at the best of times.

We start off with an especially crazy Joker, which is fun. There are callouts to a couple of tie-ins over in the Bat comics, so we're missing a little, but nothing that seems overly important to what is happening here.

We even get to see Waller have a heart. Sort of. It's about 18 issues too late for me to not want her dead, but it's something.