A review by jayshay
Last Call by Tim Powers

I set this aside after a very long 90 pages.

The underlying Carl Jung/Joesph Campbell archetype stuff, something like the 'skeleton of the universe', was interesting but I just couldn't latch on to any of the characters or their situations.

Perhaps it was something about the professional card player/grifter setting that didn't appeal. Though I was fine with that in Ondaatje's Divisadero and the writing in Last Call reminded me of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, which I quite enjoyed.

I also wonder if it wasn't a problem, problem for me at least, of how the book kept jumping back and forth in time to fill in the story that totally derailed any narrative momentum.

All in all, not something that I wanted to spend 536 pages on, or 200 pages waiting for it to get started.