A review by eileen_critchley
Fever by Mary Beth Keane


This one has been on my Kindle for a while and I decided to read it before I read Ask Again, Yes (which I will get to at some point). I enjoyed the details in this book and the little bits of history thrown in. I read Mary Mallon's wikipedia page a few times, as well the pages for other events mentioned in the book (The General Slocum, which was the largest loss of life in a single disaster in NYC prior to 9/11.. and I had never heard of it! Nor had my husband, who has more knowledge of history than I do. Also the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, which I had heard of but didn't know the details about, which led me to looking up shirtwaists.. and on and on. This is how books lead me down a wiki rabbit hole.) This book tells Mary's side of the story, and about her trial and quarantine on North Brother Island.