A review by miss_majuu
Meg by Steve Alten


This book started really strong as an amazing book about a scary shark eating people. And that´s all I wanted from this book: action, gore and some sciency-stuff here and there.
Even with these kinda low expectations I somehow got disappointed.
The book only started to be bad at around the halfway point. Here are my reasons why I started disliking it:
-instead of focusing on the shark stuff we got a unnecessary and clicheé romace plot (which was also disgusting, in my opinon). Clicheé why? Because the girl absolutely hated their love interest with every fibre of her being untiiil they´re suddenly mad in love. And other stuff like this:
"[blank] had ended things with [girl], not because he didn´t care about her, but because he knew he was falling in love."
-weird descriptions and charcters being a chlicheé. For the later there was a teenager introdued who´s whole character was being annoyed and playing on their phone. For descriptions we got
"He stretched, then turned his gaze to the model gorgeous blonde strechted out in the beach chair next to him, her tan, oiled breasts two swollen grapefruits in the skimpy red bikini." ...I´m here for a prehistoric shark not extensive descriptions of every womans breast
-and my bigest reason: For me personally the climax felt incredibly flat. So flat I didn´t even realise it was the climax until the next chapter was titled "Prologue"
This was also the point were the plot got kinda ridiculous just so that the important charcters don´t die.

In conclusion this book did a lot of stuff I peronally don´t enjoy in books but leaving all my points out it was an exicting and gruesome book about a megadolon eating a bunch of people.