A review by bitterindigo
The Condition by Jennifer Haigh


I'm finding it a little bit difficult to accurately pinpoint why I love this book so much. The moment I saw it and picked it up I wanted desperately to read it, but I'm assuming there's something more to it than "it's green" (although the cover is gorgeous, right?).

I love Paulette's passionate attachments to places and houses. I love how all the characters serve perfectly as foils for the behaviour of others, and yet they are so much more than just types or devices. I love how the characters do change, but realistically, in small and glacially slow ways. I love the small moments of connection and disruption and redemption. The writing is perfectly suited to the story -- it doesn't get in its own way.

It's easy to see why families are such a popular and rich subject for novels. This is an outstanding example, in my opinion.