A review by annica_reads_books
Unshackle by Pam Godwin


Unshackle is the seventh installment in Pam Godwin’s Deliver series and cannot be read as a standalone. It’s very important to read this series in order. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, you should avoid even reading the names of the protagonists in the book blurbs. Because of that, I won’t be mentioning any character names in my review. They will just be referred to as the FMC or MMC.

The MMC in this story was quite likable to me. I met him earlier in the series but really enjoyed getting to know his character through Unshackle. The mission he went on seems completely in line with his nature, and it made the story very believable.

The FMC in this story is someone I just wanted to root for. She’s such a strong woman with the tenacity and grit I love to see in female characters. I admired her strength and her eventual vulnerability woven through the book.

The MMC and FMC connected and bonded rather quickly, and while a speedy connection is not normally my favorite type of trope, it definitely worked and felt believable in this case because of how it was written. The characters are tested in many instances and go through a lot in such a short amount of time, that it made sense how they might form that bond in that timespan.

I have to commend Pam Godwin on her creativity in these books. At the 76% mark, there was a scene that I had never encountered in any dark romance books. I consider myself a dark romance “connoisseur,” and this was a new type of scene for me. It was incredibly well done and delivered on what I would guess the intention was – creeping me out.

The depths and details that this series goes into are so refreshing. When I open up a dark romance book, I expect it to go “hard,” so to speak. I want the details that might make some squeamish. Pam Godwin achieves high marks from me in this regard. This series is one of the best in its genre – dark romance with captive/captor themes. You’d think that after 6 books, the seventh book might show a similar plot or character behavior from previous books, but no. Each book in this series is completely original and necessary while exploring stories within the same fictional world. It’s astounding, and this series will be one I will always recommend to those that are true fans of dark romance.