A review by theangrylawngnome
Fooling Around With Cinderella by Stacy Juba


Note 1: I received a copy of this book in ebook format at my request and for no cost with the understanding that I prepare an honest review. I have no personal or professional connection with this author.

Note 2: I received and read the review copy of the ebook in .MOBI format, the format compatible with Amazon devices and the Kindle app. The copy I received was marked only as the "Smashwords Edition" and contained no ISBN, so the version I read may differ in some ways from that which is commercially available.

A short, sweet review of a short, sweet book: Very predictable, but very fun. Jaine Andersen and Dylan Callahan were two stock characters, their story arc could have been predicted via a tidal chart, the story's conflict barely elicited anything beyond a small eye roll (at least to yours truly) and sexy time (such as it was) was implied rather than actual. And barely implied, even. As in, I'm not sure it happened at least in the confines of this book.

In sum, the sort of book I happily read, enjoy while reading and forget within three days of finishing. The sort of book you can recommend to your religious friends looking for "clean romances." You know what you're getting going in, and you're not disappointed. At least I wasn't.

Except there was in fact a bit more here, and for that I give the author all the credit in the world. The secondary characters were -- across the board -- far more interesting than the love interests, barring only
Sean, who I guess was supposed to be some sort of tedious foil to Dylan. And was he ever.
And the setting? Fantastic. Ignoring only the fact that family run amusement parks seem to be a 100% anachronism in this age, well, everything else worked. Truly well imagined, well written, and with a backstory that will doubtless come out in what I'm presuming will be a raft of sequels. The main characters in this book were what they were; competently drawn but nothing special. The supporting characters and setting took this one beyond that.

Legitimate Four Stars. Quite enjoyable.