A review by maggietoussaint55
2011 Christmas Collection Anthology: Sensual/Spicy by Kit Prate, Christine E. Schulze, Stephanie Burkhart, Cheryl Pierson, Sarah J. McNeal


Meant to Be by Cheryl Pierson - Seeking the comfort of extended family at Christmas, Robin travels to vist her aunt and uncle. Car trouble renders her alone in a strange place. While seeking help, she walks into what she believes is a re-enactment group, only its the real thing. She's traveled through time. Jake is stunned that the "prisoner" he captured is a woman, but she captures his heart and more. This story held my interest and I couldn't wait to see what happened next to this couple.

The Homecoming by Kit Prate - Divorcee Rory Saunders starts over and her new neighbor offers to effect her needed renovations. Devlin is happy to have work, but his thoughts for his new boss run much deeper than work.

Gifts from the Afterlife by Sarah J McNeal - Lydia has lost so much that Christmas holds no joy. Austin, a man from her past, reconnects with her. Lydia must chose to live in her memories or take a chance on Austin. I especially enjoyed the family vignettes in this story.

For He So Loved by Christine Schulze - A lonely man. A woman in his employ. They grow close. Intimate,even. The woman wants marriage; the man wants to maintain the status quo. Told in a timeless quality, this story brings home the connection of love and faith.

Feast of Candles by Stephanie Burkhart - Drake takes a chance on love, crossing an ocean to work with a woman he's never met. Determined to keep business and love separate, Lily takes it slow with Drake. This story is about taking a chance, of seeing possibilities and acting on them. Drake and his candles warmed my heart.