A review by theowlerybooks
Burned by Ellen Hopkins


Synopsis: This story follows Pattyn a girl raised in a strict religious yet abusive household! After her dad finds her in a compromising position with a boy she is shunned to the desert to live with her aunt to find "redemption" what she finds instead is "love and acceptance"

“Love is only found in books”
― Ellen Hopkins, Burned

What I Loved:
I loved the storyline itself: A young girl growing up and dealing with the everyday, and not so everyday struggles of teenage life! I can relate to Pattyn so much, she is going through life with question about God, boys, sex and acceptance among other things! The intensity of the plot had me sitting on the edge of my seat every time I read it especially during the ending/resolution. A common theme if you skim through the reviews on goodreads is that this books is incredibly hard to review because it has left so many people, including myself, speechless!

With this series you WILL have tears. . . lots and lots of tears and Laughter!!

“Do you ever dangle your toes over the precipice, dare the cliff to crumble.
― Ellen Hopkins, Burned
What I did not like:

There really wasn't anything I didn't like BUT. . . I will warn some readers that this series is filled with triggers!! The main character and secondary characters mostly deal with physical abuse, sexual abuse, pregnancy loss and others and that for me made it hard to read in some places! I cried a lot because I have been through some of these things and on a couple of scenes it put me back in that place and that may be incredible dangerous for some people! I do not necessarily think this was a bad thing about the book, if anything Hopkins really nailed it when it came to how victims of sexual abuse feel and how hard it is is to recover from pregnancy loss and this is coming from someone who has experienced both of those thing myself! For me in the end despite the triggers both of these books were worth the read!

"Not fair that we never looked each other in the eye! Not fair that he never drew breath, never nursed. Never cried or laughed or crawled or caught the measles."
-Ellen Hopkins, Smoke talking about losing the her baby