A review by fureverlove
The Yield by Tara June Winch


What an absolutely breathtaking read!

Thos book tells multiple stories at once - the story of August, a young Aboriginal woman who has fled her home town in regional NSW to England but returns when her grandfather passes; the story of her grandfather, told through a dictionary of his native language which has otherwise been lost; and the story of the Reverend who started the mission where her families property lies (told through a letter he wrote nearing death). At first these three sub plots don’t really pull the reader in but by the end it’s all brought together impeccably.

The use of native language and descriptions of the land, colonisation and history of the town made me weep. These things, whilst fictionalised, we’re all real events and atrocities here in Australia.

Thank you to Tara June Winch for bringing a beautiful piece of fiction whist simultaneously reminding us all of the relationship between Aboriginal people and their land and the ongoing fight to make others understand the richness of Aboriginal culture. A must read, and one that I feel should be part of the school curriculum in Australia