A review by pawspagesandpurrs
Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Richie Tankersley Cusick


I'm gonna give this one a 3.75*, Goodreads should really consider adding 0.5 (at least) between their numbers for ratings. it would help make it more accurate :)

I am a huge fan of the TV show; I consider it my all time favorite and I doubt I'll ever find another that will surpass it. Other shows have tried but failed in taking the #1 spot in my heart. It's got everything; supernatural, werewolves, vampires, magic... name it, it's got it.

I stumbled upon the movie somewhere during season 3, I think, and I had to see it. It is bad. I mean, really bad. Nothing comparable to the show; it's a wonder really... I consider it to be so bad it's good though. I hope this makes sense.

Anyway, when I learned there was a book based on the movie, I had to get my hands on it and it took a while before I got it. At the thrift store, of all places. A few years ago. I wanted to read it but never did so it's been sitting pretty among other books, my Buffy books collection, of course.

I got to read this book a couple days ago, as a sort of "get-out-of-reading-slump" so I was looking for something short that would be easy enough. I hit the jackpot with this. I found the book to be really easy to get into, a completely fast read even though I took 3 days to read it (real life and stuff got in the way, you know how things go!!). It's not the greatest book considering where it's coming from (the movie) but I heard/read that there is parts of the original script in it?!.

Throughout the book, I found there was major similarities to the show, almost copies of what we got in it, I mean. Hemery High's basement being occupied by the major baddie (Lothos) while Sunnydale High had the actual entrance to the Hellmouth. Something Buffy said to Amilyn about the sunrise felt it came right out of Welcome to the Hellmouth Part 2 where Buffy said almost exactly the same thing to Luke. I felt it odd that Buffy would use the same sentence/pun twice for some reason. Maybe it's just me? I feel there wasn't more character development in the book than there was in the movie... but I could feel Buffy's change throughout, which was nice.

It's been a while since I've seen the movie and I own it on DVD. I don't pop it in that often whereas I can marathon the entire series at least 4 times a year. Now that I have read the book, I don't have to watch the movie for a little while since one is the other but a little more detailed in parts.