A review by bookish_notes
Outside the Lines by Anna Zabo


Outside the Lines is a delightfully refreshing book with queer, poly characters. This is book #22 in the Bluewater Bay series, but works perfectly as a standalone. I haven't read any of the other books in the series, but I never felt lost or left out when other characters made appearances in this book. In fact, it just made me intrigued and made me want to read their books next. I have read Anna Zabo's books, and have loved every one, so I was very happy to get a chance to dive into Outside the Lines. I think this is the first time they've written a story is first person? Well, I loved reading this story from the first person perspective and it works for these characters.

This story is told from two perspectives - Ian Meyers and Simon Derry. Ian is a miniature artist working on the Wolf's Landing tv show that films in Bluewater Bay. When an incident on set destroyed parts of what he had created, he found himself with a very short window to fix the miniature set and without all the necessary supplies to do it. He then comes across the comic and gaming shop in town, End o' Earth, owned by a Simon Derry. Simon's shop has the supplies he needs, and a space to complete his work. The two are almost instantly attracted to one another, but before anything happens between them, Ian finds out that Simon is married.

Simon is bisexual and his wife, Lydia, are in an open polyamorous relationship. They're a very lovely couple, and Lydia is very encouraging of Simon to see and date other men. The issue is that men often back up when they realize Simon is married, or the problem is with Simon. Simon is a bit shy and awkward, and doesn't quite know how to flirt with others. Simon is adorable and sweet and kind. And when he meets Ian, Simon knows that he wants to have...something with Ian, but he doesn't know if Ian will be okay with it all.

This story is so sweet. It's not heavy on angst at all, and features characters who just want to make each other happy. Ian is gay, so he and Lydia never sexually get together, but they do form a connection that makes them good friends. And can I just say that I love when the wife isn't seen as the "enemy" and she's just a lovely person? Because Lydia is everything. I love how supportive she is of Simon and Ian getting together, and I love that Ian makes sure to include her in some way even when he hooks up with Simon *hint hint*.

Outside the Lines is such a lovely story that just makes my heart flutter. Ian and Simon have adorably cute interactions with one another, as well as very steamy ones. I liked learning a bit about building miniature sets (which is to say, I knew nothing to begin with and this has been interesting and informative). There isn't a big "conflict" in this story that necessarily breaks the characters apart, because any misunderstanding does resolve itself pretty quickly, I think? Instead, this story shows how Ian, Simon, and Lydia mesh well as three people in a relationship.

This story features a few other couples from previous books, and I plan on reading their stories. Some characters who make an appearance are Carter, Anna (an F/F book? I must read this), Hunter, and Kevin (Kevyan?). Apologies if I missed a character. This book is a lot of fun and I already want to re-read this book because it's just so well written and lovely. Everyone is such a ray of sunshine and this book makes me happy. I highly recommend reading this book, and I look forward to checking out the rest of the Bluewater Bay series!

***Thanks to Riptide Publishing for providing me an ARC on NetGalley***