A review by thisbookrox
Hurricane Girl by Marcy Dermansky

challenging dark emotional medium-paced


this was not it for me. i really didn’t relate to Allison at all, and i hated the ending.
the way she put herself right back where she started at the cameraman’s house at the end really made me mad. it wasn’t even a satisfying revenge plot. at least she saved the cat.

throughout the book, Allison would do things, while thinking and knowing she shouldn’t be doing them, and continue doing them. from beginning to end. it caused me to have zero sympathy for some of the things that happened to her. (not the head injury because we don’t victim blame, but literally everything else.) the book was also SO repetitive. the author could have saved like 50 pages if they didn’t repeat that there was a hurricane & she had brain surgery over and over. also why was Allison irritated by every noise she ever heard? i get she had a head injury but she also noted that she was that way before the injury as well. also the storyline where
she thought she was pregnant
didn’t have a resolution so it didn’t make sense. 

overall i really didn’t like this…the only things i enjoyed were the sweet-ish moments with her brother and nephew, and her love of swimming and water. if i hadn’t have been listening on audio, it probably would have been a DNF. 

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