A review by lifeinthebooklane
Lean on Me by Cherise Sinclair


Every time I read a Cherise Sinclair book (or a Lexi Blake book) I wonder why it's been so long since I last read one. The truth is that I am in far too many arc groups (but love all those authors too much to leave any) so rarely get the time to read 'just for me'. When I do indulge myself in a free choice read (not that I don't really have a choice with the arcs) Cherise is now top of my go-to list.

I bought this book a couple of years ago as part of a box set and could have sworn I'd read all 4 books. Colour me surprised when I started reading book 5 and discovered I'd missed one! So I jumped straight into this and loved every single moment. Cherise has a talent for pushing your boundaries without tipping over the line into dub/non-con. (I love those genres too but that's not what these books are about.) She can make you feel uncomfortable but not annoyed or disappointed, just like her amazing Dom's do with their subs.

The BDSM scenes are tasteful but still incredibly hot and didn't overwhelm the story. Andrea and Cullen were caught in a maelstrom of emotions, fighting against either their 'rules' or their insecurities. There was push and pull without it seeming unnecessary or forced, instead what we get is a beautiful love story between two very strong personalities.

It was refreshing to see a submissive who needed someone strong enough to force/demand her submission. Andrea wasn't really a brat, she was a woman who struggles to give up the tight control that has been ingrained into her. Cullen is such a dreamy Master and sees Andrea in a way many others don't.

Lean on Me is a fantastic BDSM romance and one I highly recommend.