A review by uberbutter
Alice's Piano: The Life of Alice Herz-Sommer by Reinhard Piechocki, Melissa Mueller


Alice’s Piano: The Life of Alice Herz-Sommer by Melissa Muller
349 pages


In February of this year there were reports of the world's oldest known Holocaust survivor, Alice Herz-Sommer, passing away at the age of 110 years old. As is the norm for me, I had to know more about this woman and asap! What an extraordinary life this woman lived. In 1943, Alice and her family were sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp. Many of Alice’s family and friends would perish in the next couple years but she stayed alive and kept her son alive by her talent alone, piano playing. She would play over 100 concerts for the guards, visitors (such as the Red Cross – concert were held as a cover to the deplorable conditions), and even fellow prisoners. She often felt guilty for the fact that she got to live when so many others didn’t but she would live her life to the fullest during her stay in the concentration camp and for many, many years after liberation.

This was such an interesting story about an incredible woman. There are people who have been through far less than she did and can’t begin to hold the amazing attitude she carried until the end. This is was a well written biography of Alice. Obviously the main focus of this book follows her time in the concentration camp but the life she led before and after are also well chronicled throughout. I will admit to getting bored in places but only due to my lack of knowledge. When the author delved into other composers and music I can only say I know a little about it and it left me wanting to get back to Alice’s story. Overall a wonderful and quick read. This woman really was an amazing person; I wish I could have met her.