A review by meagsbooknook
House on Fire by Bonnie Kistler


3 1/2 stars

Thank you to Atria Books for gifting me a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

[b:House on Fire|39322976|House on Fire|Bonnie Kistler|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1536681042s/39322976.jpg|60938565] is former trial attorney [a:Bonnie Kistler|17837831|Bonnie Kistler|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1533045025p2/17837831.jpg]'s debut novel that explores tragedy in a blended family.

Leigh Huyett and Pete Conley are happily married and have blended their children from previous marriages. Everything seems to be going well until there is a car accident involving Pete's son, Kip, and Leigh's daughter, Chrissy. Following the accident, Kip is arrested for drunk driving and just when their family believes that things cannot get worse - Chrissy dies. Now the family not only has to mourn the loss of Chrissy but they find out that Kip will be charged with manslaughter.

The catch...Kip claims he wasn't driving. Chrissy was.

Sounds good, right? I will admit that I enjoyed learning about this integrated family and couldn't begin to imagine what I would do in a situation such as this. Leigh and Pete both find themselves with unfathomable circumstances. Leigh has lost her daughter and now her step-son is claiming the accident was her daughter's fault. Pete has to chose between his own child and his wife. I do not know what I would do if I were them.

[a:Bonnie Kistler|17837831|Bonnie Kistler|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1533045025p2/17837831.jpg] did a great job with the main storyline but along the way there are multiple storylines that are woven throughout and I felt that they overcrowded the narrative. I found distracting and unnecessary. I also felt that more of the narrative should have involved Kip. It was unclear whether we were supposed to sympathize with Kip or dislike him.

Overall, I found the concept interesting but certain storylines could have been removed to make it much shorter and in turn, more enjoyable.