A review by bookshelflawyer
The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson


Theoretically, I knew about omegaverse. I knew some things about the concept and if asked, I could probably give some rambling explanation about it. However, I had never actually read anything in an omegaverse until this book. It was an interesting introduction to the concept itself with the obviously more modern setting of shifters being common and out in the world. 

Overall, this book was easy to get through. The characters were fun, the romance was cute, and I’m a sucker for a fake dating plot. As I continued reading, there were a few plot inconsistencies I had (such as if the mating thing left a mark, how did no one question never seeing one???) but they could be overlooked for the sake of continuing on. 

The book’s villain was someone I’m sure everyone has either seen or heard about (a butthurt old man who was mad someone younger was better than him). And Mack and Noah were a fun couple to read about. The chemistry was there and I genuinely wanted them to be together by the end of the book (which did mean I was glaring at Noah during certain parts of this.)

The spicy was something new. Again, knew generally about knotting,  but actually reading it in a mainstream romance book that I could just find sitting on the shelf was something else. Noah also has quite the mouth on him. so if that’s your thing, he does not disappoint! There’s also a generous amount of it, so you shouldn’t be left for wanting by the end. The scenes were ones I enjoyed for sure!

If you’re new to omegaverse and want to dip your toe in, or even if you just want a workplace fake romance setting and don’t mind a little wolfy dynamics, this book is one to check out!