A review by bookishexpat
Become: a Young Adult Urban Fantasy Novel by Ali Archer


Oy vey, so dramatic. This is just non-stop angst, guilt trips and drama. And not in a way that made me gasp, my heart beating faster, praying the characters would survive it and come out stronger.... no.
This was more the kind of drama from poorly-produced, over-acted shows, β€” and the main reaction was lots of eye-rolling πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
It’s just non-stop.
Like β€” babe, just chill for one second, geez.

Ali Cross, WTH man? Do we need to stir up this much upset straight from the start, without any hope for a breather?

So, yeah, this didn’t do it for me AT ALL. Just too much drama and too little editing.

And the main character drove me NUTS.

This has a 4-star average here on GR, so it seems I am once again going against the grain, but I tried, people. I read the whole thing. Not reading the sequel though, #thanksbutnothanks.