A review by trish204
Catilina's Riddle by Steven Saylor


The third book about Gordianus the Finder ... This time it is about the famous Catilina - whom some regard as a conspirator, others as a victim and others even as a monster.
In this book, the main character (Gordianus) takes a side but the author makes sure that there are plenty of other views expressed as well so as to enable the reader to make up his/her own mind.
Again, Steven Saylor has done a splendid job in making Ancient Rome come to life. There have been quite some chapters in which the country life was explained for a change, which was not really fitting Gordianus (it wasn't boring, but it didn't seem right either), but it was a nice change of view and the surroundings - although the view from the city itself is given as well.
Quite funny to read about all the links between famous names such as Cicero, Ceasar, Catilina, Crassus, Spartacus, Marcus Antonius and others.

So thumbs up ... and it will definitely not have been my last book about Gordianus. ;-)