A review by amybraunauthor
This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada


This is was a perfect finale! I honestly did not know what to expect coming into this book given the cliffhanger left behind by the sequel, but it did not disappoint! I didn't think there could be more twists offered for this series, but I was wrong! It was so exciting and filled with action and drama, all of which I loved.

It was great to see new characters and old, and Jun Bei had an excellent story arc that was unlike most I've read. Hers, inevitably twined with Catarina's, led for compelling storylines. Further unique world building and science were added to the stories, and I would have loved to see more of the side characters!

I actually found Agnes and Lachlan's final arcs to be quite different from what I expected. They were surprisingly understandable and almost tragic. This entire series had great messages and themes, and I found the resolution to be satisfying. I can hardly remember a book that threw so many curveballs at me, but it was quite satisfying and I would love to see more!

A must read for any sci fi or science lovers, and those who enjoy complex choices and high stakes!