A review by hanzy
The Secret History by Donna Tartt


I’d started this book about a year ago and dnf’ed it after about 2 chapters when a kind friend reviewed it for me. Thanks to her, I was well aware to not keep any expectations (which I had sort of started to then).

I restarted my reading of the book and took on a different approach this time. While I knew not to delve too much into the storyline, it did upset me. I enjoyed the writing quite a lot, however. Donna Tartt has the ability to suck the reader in with her writing. I like dark academia and I liked the vibes set in the book. Also, I love everything about languages and it was interesting to see characters switch between languages while communicating and the whole vibe that was set.

But that’s about the only few things I did like. I’m confused about rating this one as it’s left me with a feeling of incompleteness. A lot of loose threads, a lot of implications that didn’t sit right. Abhorrent characters, ‘shocks’ that offered no resolution and vague details that serve no purpose.

The first third of the book was enjoyable while the last two thirds felt more like fillers. I get that we sort of have an unreliable narrator but it was still a let down. I would not be recommending this book to anyone unless I’d like to have some fun channeling my inner evil side by tricking them into reading and watching their reactions.