A review by eypsbooks
The Prophets by Robert Jones Jr.


“Ignorance wasn’t bliss, but degradation could be better endured if you pretended you were worthy of it” especially because “Lies are more affectionate than truths”.

I am sceptical of any book or author that gets compared to Toni Morrison let alone a debut but, this novel has come the closest to matching the mood and voice of Morrison’s Beloved. I honestly felt as if I had been transported back to Sweet Home.

The novel follows two enslaved young men Isaiah and Samuel who find love in the arms of the other. It is vivid, in parts grotesque, enthralling, heart wrenching, breath-taking. It unfolds before you, drawing you into a pit of despair whilst allowing little glimmers of hope to seep through that compel you to keep reading despite the of dread of knowing what comes when reading books set during this time.

This is a captivating novel about love in a setting that continually strips away humanity and I expect this will be one of the most important books of 2021.

TW: Racism, Racist Slurs, Sexual Abuse, Physical and Verbal Abuse, Homophobia