A review by sassytw
Bonded by April Zyon


This is a re-release and while the title and publisher have changed, the content has not. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Ms. Zyon gives us a unique story full of action and love. I loved Gaius. He is so misunderstood but he has a strong core of honor even if his brethren question it. He provided a feeling of safety and I totally understood why Emily trusted him so quickly. The chemistry between Gaius and Emily was apparent from the get go. That is one of the things that I enjoy about Ms. Zyon's stories. The love is almost instant but believable. The conflict is the story. I love that fighting within to find their happily ever after isn't the focus but the outside forces blocking it is. This Warriors have fought long and hard not only for their honor but also for humankind. I loved that they were being rewarded even if the reward was not necessarily easy. Emily was a strong female character with issues that made her life difficult but she was willing to do whatever was necessary to be with Gaius. The great thing is so was Gaius. Seeing two strong characters work together, fighting for their future was well written in this story and I am looking forward to seeing the remaining Warriors find their happily ever after.