A review by missemleigh
Vengeful by V.E. Schwab


Well let me tell you I remembered absolutely nothing from the first book. I read it probably two or three years ago and I had to look up a recap in order to get my bearings starting the second book. This book was an absolute trip. I was afraid I wasn’t going to fall in love with it like I did the first book but that was not the case. This book was so much fun to read and I finished it faster than I thought I would. The characters were so interesting and well developed in this book and I really liked the timeline and how it was laid out. also let’s talk about all of the archetypes and beautiful imagery in this book concerning good and evil. There’s so much to draw upon when it comes to analyzing the themes of this book which are just so beautiful. I love the authors writing style and how the word she chooses just fits so perfectly with a bigger picture.

Spoilers/ thoughts on characters
Marcella- crazy burning girl who had a horrible husband and then turned into our main villain. I liked her throughout the most of the book but near the end she just got to be so cocky and her death was kind of trivial so I enjoyed her but not as much near the end. I do appreciate really fancy luxury lifestyle so that was always fun to read.
June- shapeshifter who is obsessed with Sydney and at the end of the book we have no idea what she’s up to. Does this mean a book 3? Haha
Victor- cunning and vicious as always, he leaves Sydney and Mitch which makes me very angry but true to his character
Eli- I absolutely love the Eli‘s backstory. I wish he was not dead but here we are ;)
Doctor- Who let this guy in the book? Such a weird plot twist but I enjoyed his small moments
Sydney- thank God she did not resurrect her sister. We still don’t really know what’s going on with her and her aging. I really hope that somehow we get to see her again??
Mitch- I love this man and of story
Dominic- him too
Dol- and him
Stell- when recapping the first book I didn’t really remember Stell all that clearly. I really enjoyed his character in the book I think he provided sort of a middle ground in a way. Even though that didn’t really pan out.