A review by jeep8read
The Women's March by Jennifer Chiaverini


What and extraordinary book! Just as the efforts for women’s suffrage were dispersed throughout the country in 1913, with the focus on individual states, so too was a push for a federal amendment to the Constitution.

With a bird’s eye view of the major players through those crucial years and a grip on the fervent focus of the particular stars, Jennifer Chiaverini digs deep into the disparate factions and leading women who pushed the charge for the vote for women and equal status under the law and the men in power who opposed them.

Women won the right to vote in 1920 but the Equal Rights Amendment wasn't passed by Congress until 1972 and needed to be ratified by 38 states to be added to the Constitution. That was finally accomplished in 2020, decades too late meet criteria set at its passage.

The current Congress is considering a bill to resolve this. It has passed the House of Representatives. Republicans in the Senate are not behind it. Women, though they may believe they are equal under the law, are not.