A review by cantordustbunnies
Dope Rider: A Fistful of Delirium by Paul Kirchner


Beautifully drawn and composed with a cool initial idea that got repetitive and old. Somewhere it stopped being satirical in tone and started genuinely being a celebration of stoner culture (which maybe it always was, but earlier works came across as being more sarcastic and meta.) There's a lot of references to pop culture, environmentalism, and indigenous spirituality in addition to an unrelenting revelry in drugs. I'm not exactly judgmental when it comes to recreational substance use but after awhile I felt like the glorification of excess and full blown addiction was off-putting and vacuous. It still had great moments and is undeniably clever in a lot of ways but I didn't really get the nostalgia for and honoring of a stereotyped subculture surrounding weed.