A review by suzysuzy34
Tatiana and Alexander by Paullina Simons


Fucking brutal. OMG, I sobbed my heart out. This story goes over Alexander's past, and also his present. It was riveting to read but also spine chillingly brutal, his walk through with his soldiers in the POW camp was so eerie. What was done to him when he was captured, how he was treated, I will never EVER forget this story. It has torn my heart in two. Titaiana, we get glimpses of her life too, but they are not together, there souls are shredding, and finally my heart breaks at the end the most emotional book I think I've ever read. My only books I can think of which are a saga, romance would be Diana Gabaldons Outlander, but these books are IMO so much better. There love for each other is so strong and they keep surviving and they never give up. My heart has been shredded reading these books. Of to buy book three.

This author has bought WW2 and all the awful things that happened to life, it's felt real, and is haunting and there is a beautiful and in someways heartbreaking love story.