A review by nicoleeast
Night's Cold Kiss by Tracey O'Hara


I picked up this book because it looked like a fun, mindless UF read to cleanse my palate between heavy epic fantasy. I wanted a kick butt heroine and lots of high stakes vampire killing. What I received was a heroine who has supposedly killed 140 vampires but always seems to need rescuing. Oh, and it doesn't take long to see that this book is paranormal romance, not urban fantasy. Including acronyms of various government agencies that aren't really explained and barely discussed does not define the UF genre.

I reevaluated my expectations after about 50 pages; even though it wasn't what I wanted, I thought I could still enjoy it. I didn't. I found the plot just booooring.

As for characters: Antoinette is whiny and throws childish tantrums every chapter. Christian comes off as uber creepy and an Alpha Male (TM). The villain is obvious the first or second time you meet them. The only character who shows any personality is Victor.

Every minor male character is sleazy for no reason. Every minor female character is jealous of Antoinette's good looks.

Then there were parts that were just...urgh.

There's a scene that's uncomfortably close to date rape, and we're expected to just say it's fine. Then there's actually a could-have-been rape scene later that neither adds enjoyment nor enhances the story. Not trying to give spoilers, but these were things I would have appreciated knowing before reading.

I wouldn't recommend this one.