A review by xavia
Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy


I don't know what I was expecting, but this book definitely exceeded expectations.

I picked up this book because it had a plus sized superhero on the cover, and being a plus sized girl myself I was looking forward to reading about someone more like me. I love that while this book doesn't shy away from the fact that she is plus sized, it isn't her defining character trait. It's a fact of life. Some girls are tall. Some girls have braces. Some girls are fat.

I found myself really into the pace of this book. It felt like I was reading about an actual teenager, instead of a hyper focused superhero that only had eyes for the mystery. Faith dips her toes in the mystery sure, but she also has school and work and friends and other things that would easily distract a teenager. And then when things take a turn down mystery lane, you can see those background details slot into place.

I did take off a star because somethings didn't feel wrapped up. I don't know if this is a book that is supposed to have a sequel, but I feel like some answers we should have gotten we left up in the air, and if there's isn't meant to be a sequel, they're just loose plot threads. That said, I can appreciate that in life, things don't always resolve neatly and that life leaves you with many unanswered questions. A sequel would be nice, but it won't ruin my opinion on the book if one never comes.

Sometimes you just gotta have Faith...