A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Horribly Harry by Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey


Ok this was just a TEN on the cuteness scale. Harry was obliviously adorable in all his ace/demi glory. I have no idea how someone as sweet and innocent as him could make a living working as Bad Boyfriend Inc. Jack was also ridiculously sweet, despite his and Harrys disastrous meet cute. I mean who meets the love of their life by almost murdering them?

This one was a slow burn and I loved how patient Jack was with Harry. It really made no difference to him whether or not Harry would want to engage in sex. He started falling for him when he thought he was just an adorable ace man. As it turns out to both Jack AND Harrys surprise, Harry likely falls in the demi category as well. Getting to see Harry explore these new feelings for the first time was so fun. He had so much enthusiasm and joy. But I have to say some of my favorite moments of the book were the trips to the OP Shop. Oh Bertyl you evil old woman you. Got to get your kicks somewhere at that age I guess.

I'm excited that Tristan is next. I can't wait for that loveable man whore to fall in love. Say what you want about his extracurricular activities and self awareness, but the man cares about his friends. He has a good heart and I'm dying to read the story about who he gives it to.